Emerging Trends in Economics, Culture and Humanities (etECH2025)
EKA University of Applied Sciences in cooperation with
Alberta College (Latvia), Sumy State University (Ukraine), Ferris State University (USA),
AMBIS University (Czech Republic) and the Association of Latvian Economists
invites you to participate in the International scientific conference "EMERGING TREND IN ECONOMICS, CULTURE AND HUMANITIES (etECH2025)"
APRIL 23-24, 2025, RIGA, LATVIA
The Conference encourages collaboration between academicians and professionals by discussing contemporary problems in business, economics, culture and other fields.
Topics are focused, but not limited to EMERGING TRENDS IN:
· Sustainability and circular economy
· Macroeconomics, international economics, public economics and financial economics
· Business administration, marketing and corporate finance
· Culture studies and international culture project management
· Creative industries, art and design
· Law
· ICT solutions for business, management and education
Please, find detailed information about the submission process, as well as abstract and paper templates in REGISTRATION and AUTHOR GUIDE.
Looking forward to see You at EKA!
etECH organizing team
APRIL 23-24, 2024, RIGA, LATVIA
Guidelines for registration to etECH2025
In order to register to the conference please click the button PARTICIPATE and start 3-step registration process:
1) information about the type of participation (with only presentation without a full paper submitted / with a presentation and a full paper submitted / with only a full paper submitted without a presentation)
2) information about the co-authors (if necessary)
3) paper title and uploading an abstract (please use abstract template)
Instructions for the authors, as well as templates, are available in AUTHOR GUIDE section.
Looking forward to see You at EKA!
etECH organizing team
APRIL 23-24, 2025, RIGA, LATVIA
Registration and abstract submission up to FEBRUARY 20, 2025
Notification of abstract acceptance up to MARCH 1, 2025
Payment of conference fee up to MARCH 31, 2025
Full paper submission up to MARCH 31, 2025
Standard fee (participation with a presentation and full paper submitted) EUR 300
Virtual participation (with no physical attendance, but with an online presentation)* EUR 150
Fee for an accompanying person EUR 100
* Virtual participation allows participants to submit papers for refereeing and publication in the conference proceedings, following the same procedures as regular papers.
One author can submit a maximum of two papers (the fee does not change).
Co-authors should pay additionally if they attend the conference in person (using the option “Fee for an accompanying person”).
The conference fee will not be refunded if the paper is not accepted for publishing.
Payment details:
Beneficiary name: Ekonomikas un kulturas augstskola SIA
Beneficiary adress: Pernavas 62, Riga, LV-1009
Beneficiary registration No: 40003402986
Bank: A/S Citadeles banka
Beneficiary IBAN (account No): LV54PARX0000350971017
Payment details: etECH2025, Name Surname
APRIL 23-24, 2025, RIGA, LATVIA
Guidelines for abstract submission
Abstract should be written in English using the abstract template and submitted before FEBRUARY 20, 2025
The notification of the abstract acceptance (or any other change of the status of your abstract) will be sent to the registered author’s e-mail before MARCH 1, 2025.
Guidelines for paper submission
After the notification of abstract acceptance participants can send a full paper to the address jelena.titko@eka.edu.lv
The paper should be written in English, considering the general formal requirements, described in the paper template file. The authors are invited to submit full papers before MARCH 31, 2025.
During the pre-review stage, the papers are selected for publishing in the conference journals. The reviewing process is provided by the managing editors of the journals “Economics and Culture”, “Business, Management and Economics Engineering”, “Marketing and Management of Innovations”, “Virtual Economics”, “Forum Scientiae Oeconomia”, “Ekonomika”, “Journal of Economics and Management”.
Formatting requirements of journals could differ from the requirements, described in the paper template file.
Looking forward to see You at EKA!
etECH organizing team
APRIL 23-24, 2025, RIGA, LATVIA
Publishing opportunities:
Accepted abstracts will be published in the Conference abstracts proceedings (available online).
The authors of the selected papers will be offered to submit the full articles for review and potential publication to the following journals:
Journal „Economics and Culture” (ISSN: 2255-7563 / e-ISSN: 2256-0173). Indexed by SCOPUS, ERIH+ and other services. More information at https://content.sciendo.com/view/journals/jec/jec-overview.xml
Journal “Business, Management and Economics Engineering” (ISSN: 2669-2481 / eISSN: 2669-249X). Indexed by SCOPUS, Emerging Sources Citation Index (Web of Science), ERIH+ and others. More information at http://bmee.vilniustech.lt (APC is applied EUR 484)
Journal “Marketing and Management of Innovations” (ISSN: 2218-4511 / e-ISSN: 2227-6718). Indexed by Emerging Sources Citation Index (Web of Science) and others. More information at http://mmi.fem.sumdu.edu.ua/
Journal “Virtual Economics” (ISSN: 2657-4047). Indexed by SCOPUS and others. More information at https://virtual-economics.eu/
Journal “Forum Scientiae Oeconomia” (ISSN: 2300-5947). Indexed by SCOPUS and others. More information at https://ojs.wsb.edu.pl/ (APC is applied EUR 484)
Journal “Ekonomika” (ISSN 2424-6166). Indexed ERIH+, SCOPUS and others. More information at https://www.journals.vu.lt/ekonomika/
“Journal of Economics and Management” (ISSN 1732-1948). Indexed ERIH+, SCOPUS and others. More information at https://sciendo.com/journal/JEMUEKAT
Special prices for ETECH participants by SEMARAH HOTELS!
Use ETECH2025 promo code to book online at https://semarahhotels.com/en/
Grand Poet:
Standard single room 115 EUR per night
Standard double room 135 EUR per night
Included: breakfast, wellness centre 1,5 h, gym, wi-fi
Standard double for single use 63 EUR per night
Double 75 EUR per night
Included: breakfast, wi-fi
Dr.oec. Professor Primoz Pevcin, University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Administration /Slovenia/
PhD, Professor Marina Z. Solesvik, Western Norway University of Applied Sciences /Norway/
Dr.oec. Professor Elina Gaile-Sarkane, Riga Technical University /Latvia/
Dr.oec. Professor Tatjana Tambovceva, Riga Technical University /Latvia/
Dr.oec. Associate Professor Julia Bistrova, Riga Technical University /Latvia/
Ph.D., Associate Professor Iveta Šimberová, Ph.D., Brno University of Technology /Czech Republic/
Dr., Professor Daiva Jureviciene, Vilnius Gediminas Technical University /Lithuania/
Dr., Professor Renata Korsakienė, Vilnius Gediminas Technical University /Lithuania/
Dr, Associate Professor Oleksii V. Lyulyov, Sumy State University /Ukraine/
Dr. Associate Professor Tetyana Pimonenko, Sumy State University /Ukraine/
Dr.oec., Associate Professor Oksana Lentjusenkova, EKA University of Applied Sciences / Latvia/
Ph.D, Associate Professor Bohumil Stadnik, University of Economics in Prague /Czech Republic/
Associate Professor NDr. Ivana Malá, CSc., University of Economics in Prague /Czech Republic/
Dr., Associate Professor Anatoli Beifert, Hochschule Wismar University of Applied Sciences Technology Business
and Design /Germany/
Dr. Professor Snezana Urosevic, University of Belgrade /Serbia/
Dr. Professor Shantha Liyanage, University of Technology Sydney /Australia/
Assistant Professor Andrea Sütőová, PhD., Technical University of Kosice /Slovakia/
Dr. Jana Majerova, AMBIS University, /Czech Republic/
doc. RNDr. Associate Professor Lucia Svabova, University of Zilina / Slovakia/
Professor Ahurei Dr. Mult. C. Michael Hall, University of Canterbury, /New Zealand/
Dr.hab., Associate Professor Marek Szarucki, Cracow University of Economics /Poland/
Dr. Professor Pedro A. Martin-Cervantes, University of Almería, /Spain/
Ing. Pavol Durana, PhD., University of Zilina /Slovakia/
Professor Maria Alejandra Gonzalez-Perez, PhD., Universidad EAFIT, Medellin, /Colombia/
Zied Ftiti, OCRE Research Lab /France/
Associate Professor, Dr. Rita Remeikiene, Mykolas Romeris University /Lithuania/
Associate Professor, Ph.D. Germana Giombini, Universita degli Studi di Urbino Carlo Bo /Italy/
Ph.D José Ramón Saura, Rey Juan Carlos University / Spain/
Prof. Marina Dabić, University of Zagreb /Croatia/
Dr., Professor Magdalena Szyszko, WSB Merito University in Poznan /Poland/
Ing. Radka Vaníčková, Ph.D, University of Economics and Management /Czech Republic/
APRIL 23-24, 2025, RIGA, LATVIA
Coordinators of the Conference:
Dr. oec., Professor Jeļena Titko
Vice-rector for Science and International Cooperation
EKA University of Applied Sciences
Phone : (+371) 29192678
e-mail: jelena.titko@eka.edu.lv
Dr.oec., Jevgenija Dehtjare
The Head of the Development of the Scientific Institution
EKA University of Applied Sciences
Phone : (+371) 29763404
e-mail: jevgenija.dehtjare@eka.edu.lv